Self-Love: 5 Ways to Start Feeling More Like Yourself

  1. Spend Time With Your Self. Connect with your inner self/world. You are more amazing than you give yourself credit.
  2. Say 'No' More Often. Putting others needs before your own sends a subconscious message that you don't matter. Say 'yes' to yourself more.
  3. Do What You Love. Kids naturally know how to play; they do what they love. What would kid version you want to do rn?
  4. Speak Your Truth. What message are you sending your subconscious when you tell people what they wanna hear? rather than what you really think..
  5. Forgive Yourself.
  6. Forgive Yourself.
  7. Forgive Yourself.

you can start with something little °ᴗ*

it's ___ ______ ______ that make all the difference

I made this lil bundle as a thank you for all the love n support on the hand ring!

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while supplies last °ᴗ*

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